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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  March 30, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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the numbers have come down and the mega-ball is 23. check the web site and we have will more on the lottery in the next cut-in. if no winning numbers, it will roll over again. i'm shepherd smith. hope you have a great weekend. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight? >> this is about a man deciding he would take matters in his own hands. >> they say oh, young black kid wearing a hoodie, oh, george got to be right. >> bill: is the national media, sirring up violent emotions in the trayvon martin case? will this turn into another rodney king situation? we will have a special report. >> you regard yourself as trying to change that or regard
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yourself as a woman. >> i regard myself as is a woman with a history. >> bill: a woman who used to be a man may sue to get into the miss universe beauty contest. another complicated legal gender issue. we'll have analysis. also tonight, karl rove on obama care. lou dobbs on the $640 million lottery drawing tonight. and a disturbing tv ad starring hitler. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. is the media now inciting racial violence. that is the subject of the talking points memo. it was pathetic watching the prime time cable programs whip
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up the trayvon martin case to dangerous levels. the media exploiting the terrible death of 17-year-old trayvon by convicting the man who shot him george zimmerman of wrong doing on television. let's step back for a moment. what if the florida special prosecutor decides there is not enough evidence to prosecute mr. zimmerman? what if that happens? it could because of florida's complicated stand your ground law which mas has muddled the . msnbc and cnn to come extent have a vested interest in seeing zimmerman punished because they have already found him guilty on the air. so they are not going to respect any verdict but guilty. this of those entities there tell the american public that racial injustice has been done if there is not a conviction and that could very well lead to violence as we saw in the rodney king case. the riots in 1992 and i was right in the middle of them led to 58 people being killed.
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and a billion dollars worth of damage. that absolutely could happen in the trayvon martin case. leading the charge to convict zimmerman is al sharpton. >> this is not about self-defense. this is about a man deciding somebody based on who he was was a suspect and that he would take matters in his own hands. >> bill: sharpton has you know has a daily one hour program on msnbc and as i said has already found zimmerman guilty on the air. same thing with cnn commentator roland martin. >> they gave george zimmerman the benefit of the doubt because of who he is and they simply saw trayvon martin and i guarantee you in their minds said oh, young black kid, wearing a hoodie george has got to be right. >> bill: that is already being
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stirred up on msnbc and that is flat out dangerous. it is perfectly legitimate for the parents of trayvon martin to say what they want to say. if your son was dead you would certainly want justice and aggressively campaign for it. i have no problem with trayvon's parents demanding fair play. pundits who have no blanket idea what happend that night are putting innocent people in danger by commentary based on emotion not facts and that is the memo. now, for the top story tonight. handling racially charged crimes is one of the most difficult things for any law enforcement judicial or political person to do. with us is governor mike huckabee who ran arkansas for 11 years and saw his share of racial tension. i'm sensing danger here in the trayvon martin case. are you sensing the same? >> you have taken police agencies that ought to be trying to sort out what are the
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facts and instead they are having to protect a lot of innocent people whether it is trayvon's parents or this elderly couple whose address was tweeted out by spike lee. it is a da it is ae it is disag and the media is largely responsible for fanning the flames. >> bill: tomorrow in sanford, florida, there is a big demonstration in support of trayvon and his family. that is okay. i'm not objecting to that. if you want to get out there and support the family because this never should it happened, because it shouldn't have happened. the line was crossed and you can't go back across moulin. i have been doing this 37 years and never seen anything like this. for ratings. al sharpton doesn't know what happened. he doesn't know what happened, all right. he has no right to do this and nbc news because sharpton works for nbc, not ms nbc. he works for nbc news.
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he answers to nbc. to let this guy go crazy and what is going to happen is if it doesn't come out the way that he wants it to, sharpton he will accuse racism and everything else and some people are going to do damage. >> i think the point you made in the rodney king aftermath, 58 people were killed. it is bad enough that a 17-year-old unarmed young man was killed. that is horrible. the focus ought to be on the tragedy of his death not the exploitation of his death by people who have a commercial interest, let me underline a commercial interest in exploiting his case for their own profit and benefit or their own profile. this ought to be to seek justice. this iin this country we stille innocent until we are proven guilty and that happens in a courtroom not on ms nbc. >> bill: i went to great lengths to talk to trayvon
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martin's family lawyers. everybody is frustrated because of the slowness of the case but it is complicated because of the stand your ground law. when you were governor of arkansas and presented with a racial situation how did you diffuse it it? was there something that you did? >> first of all, you to acknowledge there are f. there is an 800-pound elephant in the room you acknowledge there are racialover tones but say we don't know what the facts are but we will get to the truth and find it and hold people responsible. >> bill: how do you deal with the history of the south. i get a lot of e-mails from african americans that say there has been injustices in the south for centuries. when something like this happens we are ultrasensitive to that and we are not going to put up with it any more. how do you deal with that? >> there are several ways. in the 40th anniversary of central high i joined president
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clinton in standing at the doors of the school that physically shut the doors down to students and we physically opened the doors and they walked in. after september 11th when a lot of people who were ready to lynch anybody who was muslim i called a press conference at the state capital and brought all the muslim leaders of the state together and i said you cannot blame every person who is muslim for some horrible thing that happens. you have got to blame the criminals who might have been muslim. you can't blame everyone who follows islam. >> bill: what you are doing and what president clinton did was symbolic and all of that but you are looking in the eyes of people who are really angry about trayvon martin and there are plenty in miami, the kids got out of miami beach high and went into the walgreen's and started to loot it. what do you say to people who believe that the system is corrupt and stacked against african americans and they are not going to get a fair shake?
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>> martin luther king would have said no violence, let us express our concern but let's don't create a bigger problem than what already exists. what al sharpton and jesse jackson and others are doing saying if we don't get what we want when we want it we will tell people to take to the streets. that is a dangerous thing. it is close to inciting a riot. >> i think fox news has been cautious here because of that responsibility. we have a responsibility here to be fair and to report fairly. look, do i think something nefarious happend that night? i do. this doesn't stack up. this should not have happened. i'm not going to accuse anybody of anything when you have a special prosecutor appointed by the state of florida. let that lady do her job and then if there is holes then i will come in. >> the one thing that is absolutely certain. this was not an issue the stand
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your ground law because there was no ground to stand. he was going after this person even after he called the police and said i'm following him. you don't have a right under stand your ground to chase somebody down. >> bill: but that has to be established by the authorities that that is what happened because zimmerman's people say no, once the kid got -- i'm not even going to bother with that. i don't know what happened but i think you know and i know the authorities have to make the call, not pundits on television from new york city, that is insane. >> exactly. >> bill: governor, always good to see you. the governor has a set of historical dvds for kids that are very good and the latest is the birth of the resolution of a revolution. information on learn our history .com. next on the rundown, karl rove on what happens if obama care goes down in the supreme court and what happen happens if mity wins, wisconsin, on tuesday. later, a woman who used to be a man may sue to be allowed to
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>> bill: impact sement tonight. the upcoming wisconsin primary. mitt romney now leads in the state 40% and rick santorum 33. the vote is next tuesday and if romney wins his nomination is pretty much locked up.
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also the supreme court is deliberating today about the constitutionality of obama care. joining us from austin texas, fox news analyst karl rove. let's go with obama care first. what is your assessment of what happened this week in the court? >> bad week for th solicitor g. bad week for the obama administration. we got to take it with a little bit of grain of salt because they don't always rule like they ask. nonetheless there were a lot of tough questions that the government didn't have a good answer for. i would say the individual mandate goes down and i bet there is a lot of discussion inside the supreme court chambers among the nine justices as to whether or not they bring the rest of the bill down with it or whistlin whethy assume there is some presumption of severability even though they didn't have such in the bill. >> bill: time magazine said the four liberal judges tried to help the solis tor solicitor gl
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because he was floundering under the questions. >> i listened to the audio and read the transcripts and it sure sounds like it. at a couple of points it is hard to figure out where the solicitor general is coming from and what he is saying and a couple of justices jump in and question him saying isn't this what you were trying to say. it was not a good performance by the solicit general. >> bill: breyer called it a tax. what i want is honesty. i don't want ideology on the court. do you think the court is as hopelessly politicized at this point in our history. >> there are deep divides on the court because of a different view of the constitution. some justice justices justicesc view of the constitution and expansion view of the poo powef
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the court. others not trying to substitute their own judgments and political views and own ideology but an attempt to understand what does the constitution require. >> bill: it seems like there is a lot of ideology involved in many of decisions on both sides and i think it is dangerous for the country. all right. let's get to politics. nobody cares any more about the republican -- you know, that right? when we do a segment, i want you. >> i want you to go to wisconsin this weekend and say that. go to the santorum and romney headquarters. >> bill: when we do a segment on politics nobody watches. the ratings are horrible. because people are tired. they are just exhausted. >> bill, talking about tired i'm tired of you running down your own program. you are better than that. don't be running down your own program like that. >> bill: because of my personality i can save a lot of these segments but it isn't easy.
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you know what i'm talking about. i say this. i say romney wins in wisconsin, over. lights are out. you say? >> i say you are probably right. think about this. on april 3 there are three states with a total of 98 votes. romney right now has a 295 vote lead over santorum. if he wins all three, it is 393 vote lead and then we have got a bunch of states later in the month. pennsylvania, but all the rest of these states are states that romney is likely to win. he could be if he wins tuesday and this is a big if because remember you mentioned a poll. the poll says romney has a lead of 7 points santorum has tended to outperform his poll numbers. so a p-point lead if i were team romney i wouldn't be letting out between now and tuesday because santorum has tended to jut perform the polls. >> bill: santorum has run a spirited campaign but maryland and washington, d.c. is not even going to be close. santorum is not on the ballot
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in washington. so it is all about wisconsin. and all right. so at this juncture where we are is that the republicans are winding -- pretty much winding down and coalescing about romney. we saw bush the elder, he is there. marco rubio. i mean these guys wouldn't be doing that if they thought there was any hope that santorum would overcome. >> well, rubio on wednesday. bush 41 on thursday. paul ryan on friday. that was a good week end of the week for romney. but again, look, i do think it comes down to wisconsin. if wisconsin is in the romney camp then i think you are right, the in nextion of the campaign -- inflection of the campaign is going to be set irretrievably in one direction. if romney does not win, wisconsin, or it is a nail biter and well into the night there could be problems. there won't be problems for romney on the 24th of april. new york, connecticut, rhode island, delaware. i think these are all going to be romney states.
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the question is goin going to w well does santorum do in pennsylvania. tuesday night, wisconsin, that is the key one to watch. >> bill: you think i'm seeking your approval, mr. rove? >> i'm not. i'm also reminding you that last time i need to remind you respect the board. >> bill: respect the board. absolutely. i will always remember. karl rove. there he is everybody. coming ahead. the other side, dennis kucinich on obama care an. batman stopped by police in maryland. it really happened. it really happened. it [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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>> bill: continuing now with our analysis of the obama care supreme court decision and the republican presidential race. with us, congressman dennis
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kucinich with us in the big city this evening. yesterday, lara ingram spelled out the justices of the supreme court already know what they are going to do at this point in time on friday. they talked among themselves secret, all right and said look, this is what we feel about obama care. they already know and now they have to write it up and after they write it up they debate it again. they can change their minds but pretty much what is going to happen is locked down. almost everybody and you just heard karl rove says not going to survive the supreme court. its' going be tossed. how do you see it? >> i think justice kennedy as you pointed out earlier is a pivot vote here and as such could come down on the question of liberty and strike it down. or he could say that this is an essential exercise of congress' authority. >> bill: what do you think he is going to do? >> i don't know. >> bill: you good instincts. >> i think it is a jump ball right now. >> bill: okay. i'm not going to get it out of you. let's assume it goes down.
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how bad is situation is that for president obama going into the campaign, going into the convention? >> a disaster for 50 million americans who won't know what kind of healthcare they will have, number one. >> bill: they can always move to belgium and get free healthcare there. >> no, they can't. >> bill: it is not america. we aren't sweden. just never going to be. anyway, put that aside because i do believe there has to be healthcare reform and i want to do it in the private marketplace. president obama loses the signature issues. then he has to zoom into the campaign. how badly does it hurt him? >> i think it will depend on the larger economy, not on the single issue. >> bill: you don't think this will be a major issue? >> it is an issue because the president tried healthcare reform in the context of a for profit system. you advocate for profit healthcare, i don't. if it goes down, i think it will be a political defeat. however, the election will be determined by overall economy.
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we have problems with structural unemployment right now and unless we -- >> bill: how much do gas prices intrude on the overall economy? >> i think there is no question that the high prices of gasoline. >> bill: people on vacation driving around, five bucks a gallon. who are they going to be thinking about? >> it has an impact. let me tell you about the unemployment. if we keep having unemployment above 8% and a lot of people have been out of work for more than 40 weeks. that is going to stop people from being able to do anything else but rivet on their own economic experience and they don't vote. >> bill: i think a lot of in dependents may switch their vote. i think catholics may switch their vote. the catholic system is going to sue the administration. president obama has all kinds
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of problems with very few strengths. and particularly of his signature issue obama care goes down what is he going to point to. he is in for four years and he has done what? >> if that goes down, 50 million people without healthcare. people who under the bill, the bill had flaws but it covered people with preexisting conditions and covered younger people, 26 and under on their parent's policy. took off the caps on the kind of money that could be paid if somebody has a serious health problem. bill, healthcare is going to be an enduring issue in this country but whether or not president obama gets reelected i believe is going to be directly connected to whether we get america back to work or not and with more than 8%. >> bill: he is up against it then because he only has five month 20*s to do it and ohio ie of the big battleground states. >> no question about it. >> bill: and people are teed off. all the polls show ohioans believe he is not doing a good job on the economy or gas
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prices. >> this race could go either way. however, watching unemployment numbers because that is going to tell you whether or not the president will be able to mobilize enough people to vote for him to keep him in to keep progress going. otherwise we are looking at a race that it is going to be a nail biter. >> bill: i think the race will be close no matter what happens and i think the republican have to define for the nation what they will do in the healthcare area to make things better. >> we haven't seen that happen. >> bill: we have not seen it happen. >> i'm for single payor. i think sooner or later the country will move towards singer payor but we have to have preventative healthcare and a people making more responsibility. >> bill: after this americans need a breathe. we have to do tort reform and insurance competing across state lines first. plenty more ahead aces the factor moves along this evening. lou dobbs on whether the american oil companies should continue to get taxpayer subsidies. next, a woman wh used to be a n
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wants to enter t t
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. 23-year-old jenna tacalakova from vancouverer canada wants to compete in the miss universe pageant but organizers say she can't because she used to be a guy. she says she is entitled to compete and may sue to get into
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the beauty contest. joining us, radio host jeanine turner and from los angeles, fox news contributor leslie marshall. leslie, now, here is the situation. this woman is free to do whatever she wants to do and she didn't violate any laws and she went from a guy to a girl, all right. but miss universe says because you weren't born a woman you can't compete as a woman. does that violate her rights? >> well, bill, i think it depends on what determines that you are woman or not. is it that you were born a woman or gender. you are born a certain gender male or female, or is it your dna? is it your genitalia? i say that because technically there are people that are born genderless. >> bill: we don't want to wander are too far afield.
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let's assume that legally she is a woman. that is what it says on her passport and that is what she is entering the contest in. does she have a right to compete? >> i believe that she does. the problem that i have here is that she lied. basically when they asked were you woma born a woman she said. >> she made the excuse in her mind she was always a woman. in n. my mind i was always a quarterback for the new york jets so i don't know how much creedence to put in that. what do you say, jeanine? >> i believe that the miss universe pageant is a private organization and they have a right to set the rules that they want to set and it says that any one who enters the contest has to be a naturally born woman. >> bill: does it say that. in. >> yes. yes. and you know, the nfl has rules and the olympics have rules and you have to stick by the rules and those are the rules and a
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private organization has a right to set those rules. >> bill: what right does the miss universe panellent have to violate this -- pageant have to violate this lady's right to be a woman? they are saying because you weren't born a woman you don't have a right to be a woman. kind of complicated. she did what she had to do to become a woman. on her passport it says she is a woman and then this operation says we don't think you are. doesn't sound right to me. >> that is what it says right now. if you want to enter those are the rules. she knew that going in. she knew that going in. >> bill: and i agree with you. i think we all agree, even leslie, that private concerns have a right to make their own rules. the boy scouts proved that. and they ruled time and time again if you are a private enterprise that is not funded by any government that you have a right to make the rules. if she sues on the basis of that she herry ma her human rie
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being violated that is going to be an interesting case, leslie. >> i do think she definitely has some ground to stand on there because i do feel it is discriminatory. look, certainly private organizations have a right. people who are are fully able bodied shouldn't be in the special olympics. bill, you should not be running for miss america although i do think that some people would vote for you if it was done by phone especially your viewers and if i had the body she has i would think about entering into contests. but she has. >> bill: you can get that, leslie. that is available in cat that logs all over the place. she wasn't born a that way. she bought all that. go ahead, jeanine, wrap it up for us. >> i have a thought about that. i think having a transagainerred woman puts a naturally born woman at a disadvantage in a pageant like this. struggle withstickle with cellulite and extra fat and
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they put the naturally born woman at a disadvantage. >> these beauty contests if they really wanted to be beauty contests they would say no enhancements. that is the way to do it. no enhancements. you got to be natural. >> but there may be girls that don't have any enhancements that entered. not every girl that entered has enhancements. >> bill: this would cover everybody. >> but not the legs. >> if it does wind up in court we will visit with you ladies. next, loudons o lou dobbs on te $640 million mega
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the mega million drawing worth more than 600 million bucks. question is the lottery good or bad thing for the country. are first, oil companies receiving taxpayers subsidies. the senate would not pass a revokation. here is weigh in fox news business anchor lou dobbs. a lot of people don't understand that big oil and they will what, they have the earnings coming out in two or three weeks, right? >> you know they will be record earnings. >> absolutely. >> bill: and so much money. >> i will be cheering that by the way. >> bill: i know you are because you are just a fascist. >> capitalist i think is the word. >> bill: so much money you can't even count it that is how much they willle make. and then the ask the taxpayers struggling with the $16 trillion debt in the country we need a little bit more because if we drill and it's dry we want you it pick up some of the tab for that. come on. >> here is, it is sort of interesting, isn't it, that people are wore relationshipped about a $2.5 billion to
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$4 billion. >> that is how much tax money goes in there, right? >> that is for five of the majors and the rest of the industry. five of the largest. >> bill: billion? >> in the world. they -- take exxon alone. exxon alone made $41 billion. >> bill: why do they need the clump change from us? >> in my opinion they don't. >> bill: let's get rid of it. >> do it this way. eliminate all of the tax breaks for business but do it uniformly because the last thing i would think you would want to do, bill, is join in with barack obama and his administration in pecking winners and losers. because he is lousy at it. his administration is lousy at it. >> bill: and we should point out that the senate pointed this down. barack obama couldn't get if passed this week and in 2005 as senator barack obama did vote for oil subsidies and his guy can't explain it, ed carney. >> jay carney. >> i'm sorry. jay carney. ed henry asked him about a and
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carney -- so but now it is a different situation because now every dime matters to this country. >> absolutely. >> bill: and i want corporate reform. i want to knock out a lot of these subsidies. i think we have to do it methodically. >> how about fairly? >> bill: fairly is fine. i like fairly. right now the folks are going the oil companies don't need the 5 billion. knock it out. knock it off. >> they probably don't. >> bill: no, they don't. >> and maybe a lot of other industries don't either. why in the world would you go after an industry responsible directly and indirectly for nine million jobs. >> bill: i'm trying to run the government in a more efficient way. i'm not going after them. >> that is a happy thing. >> bill: i am a happy guy. >> the problem is if you are going to spread all the joy around do it uniformly and fairly with every industry. >> bill: you got to start this way and this is crazy.
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another crazy situation this mega millions lotto. now, president obama doesn't like the lottery stuff. go. >> one of the concerns that i have obviously is that the disproportionate number of people who consistently buy lottery tickets tend to be lower income and working class people who can least afford it. the fact that the state systematically target hass we know to be lower income persons as a way of raising revenue is troublesome. tends to be a form of regressive taxation. >> bill: and you think he is full of hoy, right? >> do i ever. this goes into the area of energy. if he is worried about regressive taxes go after the oil industry. at a time when we have high prize prices he wants to raise them higher. there is no more regressive tax than forcing people to pay higher taxes for gasoline. higher prices for gasoline. takes a huge chunk of money out of personal disposal income.
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>> bill: on the lottery does that help in your opinion the state governments that derive money from it? >> absolutely. absolutely. about 60% of the money that is raised through this huge tonight goes, that money goes to the lottery winners. 30% goes to the designated purpose in most states about half of the states it is education or to the general funds. 5% to manage the deal. it is a pretty good proposition. is it regressive in the sense that poor people want to have more money? look, everybody goes into it. you have the saying a ticket. >> bill: it as flee do freedom. >> one time, no matter your politics your dollar and the other person's dollar are have exactly the same odds at winning. >> bill: right. 80 gentleman zillion to one.
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>> i never bought a lottery ticket in my life. we went back and looked at the winners of the big jackpots nearly all of them are working men and women, mr. obama. >> bill: batman, hitler and [ male announcer ] fighting pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath? fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack. if you're looking for a place to fast relget together,eath, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. dumbest things of the week starring fox news arthel nevil and greg gutfeld. batman being pulled over by the cops in maryland. >> no tags. just the batman seal on the vehicle. a black lamb bore gee knee. >> where is your tag, brother?
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>> i have it. i'm on the way to georgetown university hospital. >> can i see the registration? i like the outfit, man. >> thank you. >> you are there for what? >> i do it for charity for the hospital. >> do you? >> okay, batman. okay. >> how are you? >> good. >> you got a front tag there, batman? what is your name, rather than batman? >> lenny. >> bill: lenny batman. they didn't cited him but he don't have tags on the lamb lamborghini. how dump do you have to be to drive around in a batman suit in a lamborghini. turns out he is a good guy. lenny b. robinson. he is 48 years old. dresses like this for the kids who are sick in the hospital. he is on the way to cheer up kids. >> this is genius. when i go on road trips i actually dress up as wonder
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woman whenever i get pulled over they let me go. by the way, i left the outfit at your beachhouse. >> bill: okay. the wonder woman thing. >> i knew you were wondering where that came from. >> but lenny didn't put the tags on the car. >> because when pulls up to the hospital he has to have the batman logo on the bat mobile. he has legal plates as it turns out. >> bill: cut lenny some slack. this kuwait, an arab shooting contest. a legitimate sporting event. they weren't just shooting at americans. the winners from kazakhstan. roll the tape. >> marksman maria is receiving her gold medal. let's listen in. wait. that's not the kazakhstan national anthem but it sounds familiar. ♪ they played the national anthem from borat.
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sasha baron cohen m cohen's mo. >> bill: they took the movie. i think they did it on purpose. >> this happened before. remember the sarah palin book going rogue and people accidentally put up going rouge. it was an honest mistake. >> bill: how do you know it was honest? maybe they were just mocking kazakhstan. >> you don't want to mock people who are good with rifles. >> that is the dumb part. she is a sharp shooter. really. >> bill: imagine sitting there waying for your country's national anthem and borat -- >> i feel so bad for kazakhstan. >> bill: do you know where the country is? >> i believe it is in canada. >> bill: do you know where it is? >> i don't. >> in south central asia on the silk trail. >> i know that.
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>> somebody got on wikipedia. >> bill: in turkey they run a commercial for a man's shampoo. go. >> that is beyond oh he fencive, okay. and it is dumb for this reason. if you go to turkey and it is a nice country to visit if they were to do that with the armenians who is big hate turk armenians with the greeks there would be riots in the streets. if you were to use a heinous villain that the turks didn't leak the people would burn the television station down. hitler in some parts of the world is not looked upon as the monster that he is. and that is what this is all about. people are so stupid they don't
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understand that you can't use a mass murderer like that for any reason. >> period. no reason. there is nothing about his image or his name that conjures up comedy. >> bill: the spot ran. they finally took it off the air after some people complained. you got to tell yourself look there comes a point where enough is enough. got to ask you. the red sunglasses. >> a gift. what do you think? >> from elton john? >> no, from andrea tanteras. this is now turbo stupid. >> bill: abouting to wear that on red eye tonight? >> i don't know. i haven't made up my mind. >> bill: you have two shows. pin heads and patriots up next. pin heads and patriots up next. newsweek magazine hating dick this is an rc robotic cw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪
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now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dlars into american education. that's thousands of ks learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool ♪
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pinheads & patriots in just a moment, newsweek magazine hating dick cheney. "killing lincoln" will be number 2 on the new york times list, after a half year in the marketplace. thank you, all. if you become a premium member, we will send you the book or the audio version. now the mail...
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>> well a case complicated by florida's stand your ground law. >> robert, i thought i was keeping things simple, but apparently i'm not. there is a big difference between reporting and irresponsible commentary. fair reporting, which we do, is fine. the commentary is not. >> well, i appreciate that, robert. thank you. >> because actors don't have tax-exempt status.
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>> well, you are obeying the law, pastor. and more power to you. we know the other stuff happens, it's not just african-american pastors who do it, either. >> but that's from the jump. so what's your point? [chuckles] >> that's because i thought it up. giving little jabs tonight.
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>> yes! josephine, happy birthday, way to go. william howard taft was president when you were born. >> that puts a lot of pressure on miller and me to do well. congratulations, the night before we will be in indianapolis and on may 12, the show erupts in new york city at the town hall theater. we will give you guys a good show for your 50th anniversary. pinheads & patriots, most of us well understand the national media leans mainly to the left. but now "e! news" week isn't even trying to hide it anymore, as free of their editorial people dish about dick chaino camera. >> can you imagine being that organ donor? it's such a difficult decision to say, i want to give my body to someone else when i'm dead. i would never do t. i would say, give me my heart back.
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>> the ill will toward dick cheney getting a heart transplant is stunning. >> he may be one of the most evil people -- >> that's not true. >> isn't it? >> stalin? hitler. >> have you to go to dead people to find people who are more evil than dick cheney. >> come on, newsweek, how about a little objectivity? pinheads. that's it for us. check out the fox factor web site. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, no fandangle, when writing to the factor. avoid the fandangle, if we can this weekend fwe can, please. fandangle. please, always remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you.